VSD to VSDX conversion has an empty masters directory without any master files


My issue is with the structure and content of masters directory when converting a VSD to VSDX where the VSD does not have any master.

When I convert a VSD to VSDX, Aspose generates a masters directory with masters.xml and its corresponding rels file even when there are no master files to point to. When I open it in Visio, it opens correctly, and when I save it again, it modifies the generated VSDX and removes the masters directory.

I’ve attached the original VSD, the Aspose-converted VSDX, and the Visio saved VSDX from the Aspose VSDX in the ZIP file for reference.
charts.zip (5.2 MB)

Could you look into this and see if Aspose can output in the same way Visio does?

Thank you.

Kind regards,


Can you please clarify what specific output you are expecting from Aspose when converting VSD to VSDX, and if there are any specific settings you are using during the conversion?

There is no custom configuration done.

image.png (27.7 KB)
Its a straight-forward conversion.

What I expect is for Aspose-generated VSDX to match the Visio Visio-generated VSDX in terms of the existence of masters directory when there are no master files in use.


Thanks for the template file and screenshots.
We reproduced the problems you mentioned by converting your template Vsd file to Vsdx.
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