Want to get InputStream from MapiAttachment- MapiMessage

I am working on email processing

My requirement is to get InputStram from parsed msg

So, want to retrieve InputStream from MapiAttachment and MapiMessage.


Thank you for contacting support.

Could you please elaborate your scenario further so we may guide you more appropriately? For reference, MapiMessage and MapiAttachment have overloaded save methods that can save the message and attachment to OutputStream. Please check the API reference guide,

Looking forward to your kind reference.


Actually, I have to use this api in collaboration with other systems.
These system’s job is to save the attachment or message file.

So, after processing I need to pass the stream to them to save.

Please, suggest the way to get right INPUTSTREAM


Thank you for writing back.

When working with Java OutputStream and InputStream, if you have used a ByteArrayOutputStream, you can easily convert its contents to a byte array by using the toByteArray() method. This allows you to retrieve the full contents of the OutputStream as a byte array.

Additionally, if you need to convert the OutputStream into an InputStream, you can wrap the byte array using the ByteArrayInputStream class. This allows you to treat the data as an InputStream, which can be useful in scenarios where an InputStream is required instead of an OutputStream.

For more details and additional ways to work with streams in Java, you can refer to alternative resources such as:

  1. Java I/O Streams Tutorial - Oracle Documentation
  2. Baeldung - Convert OutputStream to InputStream in Java
  3. GeeksforGeeks - ByteArrayInputStream in Java

These resources provide detailed explanations and examples of how to work with OutputStream and InputStream in Java, including the use of ByteArrayOutputStream and ByteArrayInputStream.