I’m evaluating the CELLS component and I’m running into an issue where when I convert my Excel file which has a watermark (image in the header) to PDF the image covers all the text in the PDF. I’ve tried to use a transparent PNG file as the watermark and it sill covers all the text in the PDF. The code I’m using is:
'Instantiate a new Workbook object.
Dim book As New Workbook(filen)
'Create a Stream object
Dim fstream As New IO.FileStream(FolderLoc & “CopyImage (Large).png”, IO.FileMode.Open)
Dim Data(fstream.Length - 1) As Byte
fstream.Read(Data, 0, Data.Length)
'Get First Worksheet of the Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet = book.Worksheets(“Invoice”)
ws.PageSetup.Zoom = 100
ws.PageSetup.PrintQuality = 180
'Creating a PageSetup object to get the page settings of the first worksheet of the workbook
Dim pageSetup As PageSetup = ws.PageSetup
'Setting the logo/picture in the central section of the page header
pageSetup.SetHeaderPicture(1, Data)
'Setting the script for the logo/picture
pageSetup.SetHeader(1, “&G”)
'Set Worksheet background image
'Save Xls File to PDF
book.Save(FolderLoc & “Xls2Pdf.Xlsx”, SaveFormat.Xlsx)
Any help would be appreciated. This is the only thing holding me up purchasing the component.