Web.Config ScriptModule Error

We have deployed Aspose Words.Net into a shared SharePoint 2010 environment. There are about 20 other applications that exist in this environment. We are finding that something in the deployment process is adding a remove tag after the ScriptModule Add tag. We are trying to reaserch why the remove tag is being added but want to know if there is a way to make the application not rely on the ScriptModule setting to begin with. Below is the web.config example. The section in yellow is what is being added.

Hi David,

Thanks for your inquiry. I am afraid, I could not see any such issue during installing/deploying Aspose.Words for SharePoint 2.8.0 solution on my side. However, I do see SafeControl entries being added to the web.config file but this is already mentioned here. Could you please clarify the steps to reproduce the same problem on my side?

Best regards,