Web hyperlinks not recognized in Acrobat Pro

I have a document that I have added several hyperlinks to using Aspose.pdf. When the document is opened in Acrobat Reader DC, or the chrome browser pdf reader all hyperlinks are recognized as expected.

When I open the document in Acrobat Pro (either DC or old version 7), Acrobat does not recognize the hyperlinks and clicking on them does nothing. On a page where several hyperlinks exist, I execute the “View Web Links” function in Acrobat and I get a response that there are no hyperlinks on the page.

At first, I thought it was a settings issue in Acrobat. But I have performed this same process for other documents with Aspose.pdf generated hyperlinks and I have no issues. The hyperlinks are reported as found in “View Web Links” and when I click on them, the expected web page is opened in the browser.

I have attached the pdf file in question. I would appreciate it if you can tell me why this situation is happening?

Thanks in advance.Memorandum of Points and Authorities - Processed.pdf (112.5 KB)


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Would you please share source document and narrowed down code snippet so that we may try to reproduce and investigate it in our environment to help you out. Before sharing requested data, please ensure using Aspose.PDF for .NET 19.2.