Weird problem with getting string value in cell

I am trying to pull the string value from a cell (which is really a formula pointing to another cell in another string). I know this used to work but now it does not:


the formula in this cell (3rd row and 1st column) is:
R1C1Formula “=IF((‘Reporting Template’!RC)=”","",‘Reporting Template’!RC)"

I am expecting the value ‘Athabasca’ because that’s the value in the sheet [Reporting Template].
Instead i am getting “Deal Name”.

My version is


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.

Please provide us a complete runnable simple sample code illustrating your issue with your source excel file so that we could replicate it at our end and in case of bug log it in our database for a fix.

Please also download and try the latest version: Aspose.Cells
for .NET v8.6.1.2
and see if it makes any difference and resolves your issue. Thanks for your cooperation.

This is a pretty complex part to create a sample application out of. For the time being our work around is to:

  1. open the import file
  2. save it on local.
  3. upload to server where aspose tries to read the file.
Doing this makes the aspose library work. But if we directly upload the import file then it does not work.

As an additional piece of information - the template (a xlsx file) indeed has cell A1 as ‘Deal Name’, but at the point where users download the template we replace the ‘Deal Name’ with the name of the deal eg: ‘Athabasca’. For some reason this is not reflected in the formula that I mentioned above until users download the file, open it, save it.

Hi Vick,

As you have mentioned that the problem does not occur if you re-save the spreadsheet, that suggests the problem could be somewhere in the API it self, However, it will not be easy to isolate the problem cause in order to provide a fix without an executable sample application covering your complete scenario and replicating the said issue with latest revision of the API due to the complexity of the API. So we humbly request you to find some time to provide us a demo application that could allow us to isolate the problem. Your help is much appreciated.