What Default Font Does Aspose.Slides for Java Use for Its Slides?

If the font present in the presentation is not available in the system, what is the default font it uses. I see that there is a way to set the default font as below.


Thank you for posting the question.

Please read the following article:
Font Selection Sequence in Java|Aspose.Slides Documentation

Please let us know if you have any questions.

I did go through the font replacement logic which we will leverage. But if the operating system does not have the font used in the presentation and we do not explicitly provide any substitution , I See the below line in the documentation.

Otherwise, Aspose.Slides uses a replacement font that is as close as possible to what PowerPoint would use.

Wanted some information on what replacement logic it uses. For aspose words, we see it defaults to fanwood. Can you please clarify what is the default for slides if any or if it uses any logical font mapping.

In this case, a suitable font is determined based on visual characteristics, character family, and language of the original font. It also depends on the operating system and what fonts are considered default fonts there. Unfortunately, I don’t have any additional information.