What Is Dispose when Using Aspose.Slides for Python via Java?

Hi everyone,
We are using this python package: https://pypi.org/project/aspose-slides-java/ version: 24.6.0

to essentially merge a couple of slides together.

However, we eventually get an OOM error after multiple Presentation creations (like 10).

One thing we are not doing is calling the dispose() function from the Presentation class exposed by ‘from asposeslides.api import Presentation’.

My question is… what does this function do ? I see only some code use it in the Java variant. Is it necessary to call this code from Python code as well?


Could you please clarify what specific information you are looking for regarding the dispose() function in the context of Aspose.Slides for Python?

my question is what does it do, and should i be calling it in my Python code. This is not documented in the aspose-slides-java python package documentation.


Could you please zip your sample presentations and provide a runnable code snippet to help us replicate the issue on our side? We will look into your issue soon.