I’m doing an eval and know I will be asked. Please, what is the password character limit when creating password protected zips?
Hello, there is no any limit by Aspose.Zip.
When creating AES encrypted zip, this password is passed to Rfc2898DeriveBytes to generate keys, and it seems that RFC 2898 does not imply any restrictions. They say:
…password is considered to be an octet string of arbitrary length whose interpretation as a text string is unspecified. (Section 3. Overview)
Similarly, password can be arbitrary when creating traditionally encrypted zip.
Great there is no character limit. Thanks.
Using the Aspose.ZIP.Examples PasswordProtectWithAES.cs. For all AES, but not traditional password, error msg box displays when extracting the zip. “Compressed (zipped) Folders Error - Windows cannot complete the extraction. The destination file could not be created.” Would this be due to running an evaluation copy - no trial license?