What type of Machine Vision Algorithms are used in Aspose Barcode?

The barcode .net product overview says that Aspose Barcode uses Machine Vision Algorithms in barcode recognition.

Is there any information available on what types of machine vision algorithms?

Are they more on the artificial intelligence side of things, or are they more like classical logic or math based computer algorithms?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


You may think these are specific algorithms to process images for recognitions. The machine vision technology can detect object edges for positioning and may involve relevant operations. We will get back to you with more details soon.

“Machine Vision Algorithms” - > Computer Vision Algorithms (fixed the article)

Mix of lightweight AI and other math based algorithms. All of algorithms work on pure .Net Code and some of them are multi-threaded. Some of the algorithms, you can test with Accord.NET Framework (it is good to investigate how the algorithms work).

As simple example (not complete list), I can provide some algorithms which we use:

So most of the algorithms are classic and use Computer Science math from 60-th, as AI we use only SVM. All algorithms work on pure .Net code.

@alexander.gavriluk thank you very much, that’s a great answer and very helpful.


You are welcome. Please feel free to write back to us if you have further queries or comments.