When converting the table into an image, it does not display correctly

When converting the HTML table into an image, the content in the last few columns does not display correctly.
The current conversion result is 1.png, and I want to achieve a result of 2.png
2024122319.zip (8.2 KB)

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I found if use


At this point, the image converted from the table is normal, but in the document, it indicates that the method updateTableLayout() is deprecated. What function replaces this method?

public void updateTableLayout()
Implements an earlier approach to table column widths re-calculation that has known issues.


The method is deprecated and it will be removed in a few releases.


@hlgao There is no replacement of this method. UpdateTableLayout method was the first attempt of table grid calculation algorithm implementation. Currently another implementation is used internally by Aspose.Words, so normally there is no need to call additional methods to calculate table layout.
In your particular case, however, the new algorithm does not give an accurate result.

A post was split to a new topic: Table layout is broken after rendering