When creating a GS1 QR code, I get the error "Wrong format of GS1 QR input string"


I’m using Aspose. Barcode.
The version is “24.9.0”.

On the above site, select “GS1 QR” and enter the URL “https://example.com/” in the code text and generate.

Then a QR image will be created.
The code displayed on the above site is as follows.

// Initialize barcode generator
using (var generator = new Aspose.BarCode.Generation.BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.GS1QR, "https://example.com/"))
// Set parameters
generator.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension.Millimeters *= 1;
generator.Parameters.Barcode.CodeTextParameters.Location = CodeLocation.None;

// Generate image
Bitmap res = generator.GenerateBarCodeImage();

If I use this source as is in my product, the following exception error occurs.
“Wrong format of GS1 QR input string”

Of course, I know that it is not in the GS1 QR format, but why does the above site create a QR even though I specified it as a GS1 QR?

Also, is there a way to create a GS1 QR as a URL without adding an identifier, etc.?

Does it support GS1 Digital Link QR?

Best regard.


I tested your scenario/case using the online app and I got the same error (“Wrong format of GS1 QR input string”) which is right. See the screenshot attached.
sc_shot1.png (64.3 KB)

Moreover, see the document on GS1 Standards for your reference.

Additionally you can use this article for Encode GS1 data in 2D barcodes and GS1 Application Identifiers list

amjad.sahi, alexander.gavriluk

Thanks for your reply.
I guess it’s normal to get an error.

When I tried again, it said “error.” It wasn’t the same error message as in your screenshot, but it was an error.

image.png (16.2 KB)

The QR image was definitely displayed yesterday…
I should have taken a screenshot at that time.

I understand that it’s not in GS1 format,
so if there is an error even with the online version, there’s no problem with this.
I just wanted to know why I could create it with the online version.

Thanks for your response.

Best regards.


I also tested your scenario using the online app, and this time I encountered an “error”. Previously, it displayed an exception stating, “Wrong format of GS1 QR input string.” I’m uncertain why it worked on your end before, allowing you to generate the GS1 barcode successfully. It’s possible that there was a bug in the app or a version issue that has since been resolved.