When Exporting PDF from PPTX in Java, Embedded Fonts Are Missing

Please browse the following documents.
1b853e90-64ec-11ed-aa95-29d230cd3d76.pptx.zip (914.0 KB)
When I export to pdf file, the embedded fonts are missing.
1b853e90-64ec-11ed-aa95-29d230cd3d76.pdf (33.5 KB)
Could you tell me how to solve this problem?

OS version:macOS 12.6
jdk:openjdk 17.0.1
sdk: 22.10

Thank you for contacting support. We will reply to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your attention and reply.

I’ve added a ticket with ID SLIDESJAVA-38973 to our issue-tracking system. Our development team will investigate the case. We will inform you of any progress.

Our developers investigated the case and are unable to reproduce the issue in macOS with any JDK (tested on JDK from 1.8 to 17). They have only reproduced this behavior on Linux, where the required fonts are missing. Could you please check the availability of the fonts?

That is, you need to install the corresponding font first, rather than relying on the embedded font, to export PDF correctly. Am I right?

I am working on your question and will reply to you soon.

It looks like the embedded fonts in the presentation are not enough to correctly render the text. We have found that if the required fonts are installed on the operating system, the problem does not occur.