When I place the License file in the BIN folder it disappears upon Precompile of the site

Up until yesterday, I have been simply copying the website files up to the production server. I am told to place the Licernse file in the same folder as the DLL which is th BIN (binary) folder.

However, when I chose to pre-compile the site into assemblies, the License file is not included in the compiled release in the BIN folder and I must re-copy it into that folder.

Is there any way to make sure the lic file is included in a pre-compiled deployment?

Thanks for any help.


Yes, normally, the license file included in the \bin directory is not included doploying (publishing website) the project to the server. You can either try to manually copy the license file to the deployment server or use the following workaround:

Rename the license file e.g.., "Aspose.Cells.lic" to "AsposeCells.txt" (but never change the contents of the license file) and change your licensing code in your project as follows too:

Aspose.Cells.License lic = new Aspose.Cells.License();

lic.SetLicense(licfile); //where "licfile" contains the string path of "AsposeCells.txt".

Thank you.