Where is this file 'aspose-ocr-advanced-recognition-v1.ocr'

Hi, I am trying to ocr a pdf, when I turn some flags on like
I get this error:
Please install the ‘aspose-ocr-advanced-recognition-v1.ocr’ first, use Resources.FetchResource(“aspose-ocr-advanced-recognition-v1.ocr”).

Where can I find this advanced ocr file ?

And when I add this call to the code, I get
Couldn’t download ‘aspose-ocr-advanced-recognition-v1.ocr’. Use Resources.FetchResource(“[model name]”) or Resources.FetchAll() To see all avalable models use Resources.ListRemote().

Of course, we are inside a firewall and can’t access external resources directly.


Please allow us to check our logs and we will be coming back with a feedback shortly.

Hi @brissonp
You can download all the resources you need from this GitHub repository

Set the folder for resources calling
Resources.SetLocalPath(String path) // path to the folder where you put resources
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