Why is a subsection of my range failing to add borders?

Based on code from here [https://forum.aspose.com/t/21454], I added the following:

string bottomRightRange = string.Format("F{0}", rowsUsed);
var range = locationWorksheet.Cells.CreateRange("A8", bottomRightRange);

//Setting border for each cell in the range
var style = workBook.CreateStyle();
style.SetBorder(BorderType.BottomBorder, CellBorderType.Thin, Color.Black);
style.SetBorder(BorderType.LeftBorder, CellBorderType.Thin, Color.Black);
style.SetBorder(BorderType.RightBorder, CellBorderType.Thin, Color.Black);
style.SetBorder(BorderType.TopBorder, CellBorderType.Thin, Color.Black);

for (int r = range.FirstRow; r < range.RowCount; r++)
for (int c = range.FirstColumn; c < range.ColumnCount; c++)
Cell cell = locationWorksheet.Cells[r, c];
cell.SetStyle(style, new StyleFlag()
TopBorder = true,
BottomBorder = true,
LeftBorder = true,
RightBorder = true


//Setting outline border to range
range.SetOutlineBorder(BorderType.TopBorder, CellBorderType.Thin, Color.Black);
range.SetOutlineBorder(BorderType.BottomBorder, CellBorderType.Thin, Color.Black);
range.SetOutlineBorder(BorderType.LeftBorder, CellBorderType.Thin, Color.Black);
range.SetOutlineBorder(BorderType.RightBorder, CellBorderType.Thin, Color.Black);

That worked well - for the most part - but notice the final part of my sheet in the screenshot attached.

The last seven rows at the end (except for bottom border on the last row, and the right border for all of them) are not borderized. Why not?

NOTE: *bottomRightRange* equates to "F94" in this case.

Why would a big chunk work right, then a small portion at the end not work as it should?


Thanks for the screenshot.

It means only outline borders are set for the final part. Could you post your template file, we will test your code segment on it to better evaluate your issue on our end.

Thank you.