Why the font-family is some string+ArialMT when extract PDF to HTML?

Hi Aspose team,

Can you give us some information why the extracted css from PDF to HTML has a strange font-family in the style.css?
For example:
.stl_1321 {
font-size: 0.560149em;
font-family: "WECSPJ+ArialMT";
color: #000000;

I even got different strings before ArialMT, for example:

It even has a string named "test..."

I do not know what this is for in CSS and how it impacts.
Please advice.


Hi Aria,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please note that font name generation behavior is by design. PDF file can contain several fonts with same names, so, prefixes are added for guaranty to identify font names uniquely. The CSS style in HTML applies to respective class id in HTML file.

The prefix generation algorithm is as following:

six randomly generated characters][plus sign][font name].

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,