Why was a changePageSized PDF file broken?

Hi, ASPOSE Support Stuffs,

I executed a PDF file with “changePageSize”.
And a message was displayed when “a file was broken” when I was going to watch a executed file in Acrobat Reader.
Of course I can display a file of an origin of combination in Acrobat Reader normally.
Will this have any problem in an original file?
Or will there be a problem to a library?

And when lisencing passes, target file is broken, but
target file is not broken unless I do lisencing.
Is there a mistake in usage of a command?

I put result files put together with the PDF file which I used for a check together and send it.
Thanking you in advance.

Practice environment is as follows.
JRE is 1.5.0_11-b03
ASPOSE.Pdf.Kit is download from reply

I show below the source which I used for a check.
License wLic = new License();
try {
FileInputStream wfl = new FileInputStream(“Aspose.Pdf.Kit.lic”);
} catch(Exception ex) {}

try {
FileInputStream wIn[] = new FileInputStream[2];
wIn[0] = new FileInputStream(“C:\temp\source1.pdf”);
wIn[1] = new FileInputStream(“C:\temp\source2.pdf”);
FileOutputStream wOut = new FileOutputStream(“C:\temp\Marge.pdf”);
PdfFileEditor wPdf = new PdfFileEditor();
wPdf.MakeNUp(wIn, wOut, false);
} catch(Exception ex) {}

//-- Change Page Size to A4 Portrate
PageSize wPG = new PageSize(PageSize.A4.width(), PageSize.A4.height());
try {
FileInputStream wSrc = new FileInputStream(“C:\temp\Marge.pdf”);
FileOutputStream wOut = new FileOutputStream(“C:\temp\PageA4.pdf”);
PdfFileEditor wPdf = new PdfFileEditor();
wPdf.changePageSize(wSrc, wOut, wPG, AlignmentType.Left, VerticalAlignmentType.Top);
} catch(Exception ex) {}


I have reproduced the error. I will discuss this with the developers and we will inform you as soon as a solution is found.


Adeel Ahmad
Support Developer
Aspose Changsha Team

Hi, user support staffs.

How did the problem written on the title become it afterwards?
I release an application in a user with there having been a problem.
Please I expect early solution of this problem.


Our developers are working on this issue. They will give you an ETA soon. Sorry for incovenience.


Adeel Ahmad
Support Developer
Aspose Changsha Team

hi, can you send your lic to me via e-mail, which can help me fix this bug

my e-mail is Allen.Wen@aspose.com

Hi, seawolf.

I sent the Lic file which I used to Allen.Wen@aspose.com.

Thanking you in advance.

hi, hiro,

we have fix this bug, and I have send the new Aspose.pdf.kit. to your e-mail, please check it.

Hi, allen.wen.

The following errors were displayed when I checked the jar file which I had.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.aspose.pdf.kit.da.a(Ljava/lang/String;)[B
com.aspose.pdf.kit.License.a(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.pdf.kit.License.a(Unknown Source)
com.aspose.pdf.kit.License.setLicense(Unknown Source)
createtest.CreateTest.doPost(CreateTest.java:71) <-- this I create servlet

What would occur?
And I e-mailed your private address contents same as this.

Hi, allen.wen.2006.

The following errors were displayed when I checked the jar file which I had.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.aspose.pdf.kit.PdfFileEditor.MakeNUp([Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/io/OutputStream;Z)Z
createtest.MakePdfPage.makePagePortrait(MakePdfPage.java:445)<-- this I create servlet

What would occur?
Why does a method disappear?
Is it necessary for me to repeat all the tests once again?
I am sorry that the jar give your inconvenience.
now I have test this new jar again, and it should work well, please have a try.
and I have send the new jar to you e-mail.

Hi, seawolf.

I test the jar file which I had.
There is not a big problem for the moment.

Thank you.