Windows Fonts on K8S/Linux


We are currently using Aspose on a Widows system for generating document. Since all our stack is on K8S/Linux, we are migrating our aspose service to a net (c#) on linux.
So far, everything is well supported and dev experience is incredible for us !

Anyway we are facing an issue with font.
What can we do to have correct PDF generation when the template contains the new Microsoft font such as Tahoma or Calibri / Cambria …

The only reliable solutions seems to copy fonts from an Widows system, but this is legal I think.
Do you have legal alternative to propose/advise ? For information, we have 1 K8S pod running with this service.

Also: it seems that if the word template used to generate the document embed the fonts, we do not have any issue. Can you confirm this ?

Best regards and thanks in advance.


Could you please clarify what specific legal alternatives you are looking for regarding font usage in PDF generation with Aspose on Linux?

That’s the purpose of this discussion. Do you have some recommendation for us.


Mostly Aspose APIs require underlying fonts (used in the file) to render PDF or images. Relevant correct fonts are compulsory and should be installed/present for rendering documents. Please make sure the underlying fonts are installed on your linux OS. It is the responsibility of the users to make the fonts available, you must obtain the corresponding authorization if there is any legal issues regarding using fonts. Moreover, for APIs like Aspose.Cells, you should make sure the fonts folder should be set at the start of the your program, see the document on configuring fonts for your reference.