Winform controls in a worksheet

I have a excel 2007 worksheet that was created from VSTO and contains an LinkLabel control [ =EMBED("WinForms.Control.Host.V3","") ].

From .Net Cells can I change/view the properties of this control.

Hi,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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We are not very clear about your requirement. Please provide us further details about your requirements and also please share your template file, this will help us in understanding your requirement.

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I have attached a simple workbook. There is a single LinkLabel control inserted on sheet 1.

I am very new to Cells, and what I want to know is how do I manipulate the control from a console application using Cells?

Can I resize it from Cells?

Can I change it's PrintObject attribute?

Hi,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Thank you for sharing your template file.

Well, the control you are using is an ActiveX control and we only preserve it as it is in XLSX file, we don’t support to manipulate it (get / set its properties). I think you may use Label or some other Form Control using Aspose.Cells. Please see the following documentation link for details of different controls supported by Aspose.Cells.

Thank You & Best Regards,