Word Doc - PDF Track changes

Hi - I am unable to see the formatting of the changes (by that I mean “Track Changes”) that have been made to a Word document after it has been converted to PDF.

Coded as such:


See attachments for input DOC and resulting saved PDF without the formatting and history.

Any ideas ?


Thank you for your inquiry.
You call Document.AcceptAllRevisions(). All of your formatting changes are applied to the document. This is exactly the same functionality as in MS Word, when you click Review->Accept->Accept All Changes in Document. After applying you will see the result but not the changes themselves. The same thing you see after the call the method in Aspose.Words.
Also, in your example you call SaveToPdf() method. This means that you are using an older version of the Aspose product. We strongly recommend that you use the latest version of Aspose.Words. You can download it here: https://releases.aspose.com/words/net
conservation in your case would look like this:

// Open document.
Document doc = new Document(docFileName);
doc.Save(pdfFileName, SaveFormat.Pdf);

Hi - thanks for the response.

Sorry but I didn’t make myself clear at all.

I need to see in the PDF exactly what is shown in the attached DOC … i.e. the dotted lines to the box that says “Deleted: argaret”, the inserted text itself underlined in purple, and the comments balloon when they hover over modified text.

Is this functionality supported?


Thanks for your additional information.
Now it’s clear what you want.
Unfortunately, this feature is unavailable. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. We will immediately let you know once it is available.

Hi - that is unfortunate.

Is there an expected delivery date for this functionality ?

Could you supply a link so we can keep tabs on its history and delivery - this requirement is a significant part of the success of our solution.


Thanks for your inquiry.
I linked your query to the issue in our codebase, its number is 7674. Once this feature is completed, you will automatically receive a notification in this thread.
Also I added your request to my monthly report, so priority of this issue will be increased. But I cannot give you any estimate at the moment.
I will notify you of any developments.

Is there any way we can speed up this process?

The company I work for has suggested they would be happy to pay for any custom development costs if it will mean they have a solution earlier.


Thank you for your request.
Unfortunately I can not tell you any estimates of this functionality. I will add this request in my monthly report. This will increase the priority of this issue. You are not the only ones who requested this feature, and I think that this significantly affect the timing of its implementation. You will be informed of any developments.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-2120) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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