Word document loosing Table of Contents ctrl + click ability

We have an issue where a table of contents looses the ctrl + click ability when we use Aspose to add headers and footers.
The problem was noticed in version 4.2.6, we have tested with 5.2 and have the same outcome. Aspose is being called from an ASP website.
I will include the file from before and after processing.

Thanks for your inquiry. As I can see ctrl+click also does not work in the original document. Please check this on your side.
Also note that Aspose.Words does not update TOC fields. So if you need to update TOC you should update fields inside the document manually (ctrl+A and F9) or you can use macro to update fields. See the following link to learn more.
Best regards.

Hi the ctrl + click works in the origional document when hovered over the numbers but not the whole line of text. Getting the users to manually update the TOC or creating macros for all the documents is not a viable solution for us at the moment.

Thank you for additional information. As I told you earlier this occurs because Aspose.Words does not update TOC field. If you update TOC all works fine. Unfortunately there is no way to update TOC using Aspose.Words so you should do this manually.
Best regards.