Word document printing performance - Aspose.Words

Hi, I have this problem in Aspose.Words for .NET version 17.9.

Do you have any suggestions?


Thanks for your inquiry. Have you tried the latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET i.e. 19.9 on your end? In case the problem still remains, please ZIP and upload your input Word document and piece of Aspose.Words’ source code causing this issue here for testing. We will then investigate the issue on our end and provide you more information.

I updated to the last version a the error is same.

I attach a test project.

PrinterTest.zip (20.1 KB)


Can you please describe what the problem actually is that you are facing on your end? Are you seeing Aspose.Words taking more time during printing? Please share your time values returned by: MessageBox.Show((endPrint - beginPrint).TotalMilliseconds.ToString());

Have you also tried some other soft/virtual printer e.g. “Microsoft XPS Document Writer”?

Thanks for you help, this is the result

image.png (9.4 KB)


We have logged your problem in our issue tracking system. Your ticket number is WORDSNET-19208. We will further look into the details of this problem and will keep you updated on the status of the linked issue. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Regarding WORDSNET-19208, we have completed the analysis on your issue and concluded to close this issue as ‘Not a Bug’. Please see the following analysis details:

The provided method of estimating time is not entirely correct. If the printer is not virtual, then this method also estimates the time spent connecting and invoking printing processes. In general, we cannot influence print speed. This is done using standard tools e.g. .NET System.Drawing.Printing.

If we can help you with anything else, please feel free to ask.