Word document with no immed. child nodes?

hi, <br><br>I have this section of code:<br><br>Document doc = new Document(fileName);<br>System.out.println(doc.getCount() );<br><br>which returns a 0 (zero).  Does this really mean that the word doc does not have any immed. children?<br><br>If so, any way for me to extract the text out of this document?<br><br>Thanks and Regards,<br>quik_silv<br>

The number of children in a valid document should be >= 1. Please attach the document you are testing. We will then try to reproduce and research the problem.

Best regards,


Attached is the file I am having problems with. (Semalam Banjir, Kini Kabakaran.doc). It seems like a RTF file but saved as a word document.

I’m using Aspose words for Java.



Sorry but I can't see anything attached for some reason. Please reattach your document.

here is the attachment

Thank you for that. Yes, this is indeed an RTF document with .doc extension. It is imported by Aspose.Words for .NET fine but Aspose.Words for Java does not support importing RTF yet. It is strange that it does not throw to show the format is unsupported. I’m going to create a defect to fix it.