Word Mail Merge - Hidden bookmark cases asposes to skip over a mergefield


I ran into an issue recently using the mail merge functionality. A customer had reformatted a template and for some reason one of Word’s _GoBack bookmarks got moved inside a TableStart/TableEnd section. This caused Aspose’s merge engine to completely ignore the mergefield defined by the TableStart/TableEnd section. Removing the bookmark fixed the issue. See attached documents.

In the notworking.docx, if you go to the Insert Tab and select BookMarks, recheck the “show hidden”, you’ll see there is a _GoBack bookmark (automatically generated by Word). If you select the GOTO button you’ll notice that the bookmark is right after the TableStart:SecondaryLinks mergefield. When I run this template in our code, the SeondaryLinks section is skipped. In working.docx, I removed the hidden _GoBack bookmark and the merge works perfectly.

This seems like a defect. Shouldn’t the merge engine still recognize the mergefield?



Hi Debra,

Thanks for your inquiry. Perhaps, you are using an older version of Aspose.Words; as with Aspose.Words v13.2.0, I am unable to reproduce this problem on my side. I would suggest you please upgrade to the latest version of Aspose.Words i.e. v13.2.0 and let us know how it goes on your side. I hope, this will help.

Thanks for the quick response. We are not using the latest because we found that version 13.1 had a defect where table borders were frequently not rendered. Can you confirm that this issue was fixed in version 13.2?

Thank you.

Hi Debra,

Thanks for your inquiry. I tested the _GoBack bookmark issue with TableStart:SecondaryLinks. The SeondaryLinks section is not skipped while doing mail merge. Could you please share the following details to investigate the border issue?

What environment are you running on?

  • OS (Windows Version or Linux Version)
  • Architecture (32 / 64 bit)
  • .NET Framework version
  • Please supply us with the output document showing the undesired behavior
  • Please supply us with the expected document showing the desired behavior (You can create this document using Microsoft Word).

As soon as you get these pieces of information to us we'll start our investigation into your issue.

thanks again for the quick reply. looking back at my notes it was actually not version 13.1 that had the border issue but version 11.11. I will try the latest version of Aspose and see if it resolves the bookmark issue and missing table border issue for us.

Thanks again.

Hi Debra,

Thanks for your feedback. Please try the latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET 13.2.0 and let us know if you still face problem. Please feel free to ask if you have any question about Aspose.Words, we will be happy to help you.