Word Mail Merge with multiple tables does not save merged document

I have a Win Form Application in C# that reads in data from a database and creates 2 tables. I add the 2 tables into a dataset and then perform a mail merge with a word .docx template. This is the code that I execute:

string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

DataSet dataSetAllData = new DataSet();
DataTable dataTableGeneral = new DataTable("GeneralData");
DataTable dataTableParcel = new DataTable("ParcelData");

// Add columns to the dataTableGeneral
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("ClientID", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("FileNum", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("Petitioner", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("ClientAttention", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("ClientName", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("ClientAdd1", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("ClientAdd2", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("ClientAdd3", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("ClientCityState", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("ClientZipCode", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("Street", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("Locale", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("TotalTaxSavings", typeof(string));
dataTableGeneral.Columns.Add("DueToHK", typeof(string));

// Add columns to the dataTableParcel
dataTableParcel.Columns.Add("ClientID", typeof(string));
dataTableParcel.Columns.Add("FileNum", typeof(string));
dataTableParcel.Columns.Add("C_Section", typeof(string));
dataTableParcel.Columns.Add("C_Block", typeof(string));
dataTableParcel.Columns.Add("C_Lot", typeof(string));
dataTableParcel.Columns.Add("OrigTaxableAV", typeof(string));
dataTableParcel.Columns.Add("ReducedTaxableAV", typeof(string));
dataTableParcel.Columns.Add("TaxableReduction", typeof(string));
dataTableParcel.Columns.Add("GeneralTaxRate", typeof(string));
dataTableParcel.Columns.Add("TotalTaxSavings", typeof(string));

List<HeaderData> lHeaderData = new List<HeaderData>();
List<ParcelData> lParcelData = new List<ParcelData>();

using (SqlConnection connection1 = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    string selectColumns = string.Join(", ", dataTableGeneral.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Where(c => c.ColumnName != "TotalTaxSavings" && c.ColumnName != "DueToHK").Select(c => "[" + c.ColumnName + "]"));

        selectColumns + " FROM CTE WHERE RowNum = 1 and FileNum is not NULL ORDER BY FileNum";
    SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(query, connection1);


    string xmlFilePathGeneral = @"C:\Development\Herman Katz\Output_General.xml";


using (SqlConnection connection2 = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    string selectColumns = string.Join(", ", dataTableParcel.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Select(c => "[" + c.ColumnName + "]"));

    string query = @"SELECT ClientID, FileNum, C_Section, C_Block, C_Lot, OrigTaxableAV, ReducedTaxableAV, TaxableReduction, GeneralTaxRate, TotalTaxSavings FROM EVERYTHING WHERE FileNum is not NULL ORDER BY FILENUM, C_Section, C_Block, C_Lot ";

    SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(query, connection2);


    string xmlFilePathParcel = @"C:\Development\Herman Katz\Output_parcel.xml";

foreach (DataRow row in dataTableGeneral.Rows)
    string clientAttention = row["ClientAttention"].ToString();
    string clientName = row["ClientName"].ToString();
    string clientAdd1 = row["ClientAdd1"].ToString();
    string clientAdd2 = row["ClientAdd2"].ToString();
    string clientAdd3 = row["ClientAdd3"].ToString();
    string clientCityState = row["ClientCityState"].ToString();
    string clientZipCode = row["ClientZipCode"].ToString();
    string newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientAttention) ? "" : clientAttention;
    newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientName) ? newClientName : newClientName + "\r\n" + clientName;
    newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientAdd1) ? newClientName : newClientName + "\r\n" + clientAdd1;
    newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientAdd2) ? newClientName : newClientName + "\r\n" + clientAdd2;
    newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientAdd3) ? newClientName : newClientName + "\r\n" + clientAdd3;
    newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientCityState) ? newClientName : newClientName + "\r\n" + clientCityState;
    newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientZipCode) ? newClientName : newClientName + " " + clientZipCode;
    row.SetField("ClientName", newClientName);

    string fileNum = row["FileNum"].ToString();
    DataRow[] parcelRows = dataTableParcel.Select("FileNum = '" + fileNum + "'");
    decimal totalTaxSavings = 0.0m;
    decimal dueToHK = 0.0m;

    foreach (DataRow parcelRow in parcelRows)
        // Process each row from dataTableParcel with the same FileNum
        // For example:
        string sTotalTaxSavings = parcelRow["TotalTaxSavings"].ToString();
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTotalTaxSavings))
            decimal dbtotalTaxSavings = decimal.Parse(sTotalTaxSavings) + .005m;
            totalTaxSavings = totalTaxSavings + dbtotalTaxSavings;
    dueToHK = totalTaxSavings * .25m;
    row.SetField("TotalTaxSavings", totalTaxSavings.ToString("C"));
    row.SetField("DueToHK", dueToHK.ToString("C"));


//dataSetAllData.Relations.Add(dataSetAllData.Tables[1].Columns["FileNum"], dataSetAllData.Tables[0].Columns["FileNum"]);
// Create a DataRelation based on the "FileNum" column
DataRelation relation = new DataRelation("GeneralParcelRelation",

// Add the relation to the DataSet

string masterFilePath = @"C:\Development\Herman Katz\test.docx";

Aspose.Words.License license = new Aspose.Words.License();
Aspose.Pdf.License oPdfLicense = new Aspose.Pdf.License();

Aspose.Words.Document masterTemplate = new Aspose.Words.Document(masterFilePath);
DataTable jointData = dataSetAllData.Tables[0];
jointData.TableName = "JointData";

string finalFile = @"C:\Development\Herman Katz\results\finalOutput.pdf";
masterTemplate.Save(finalFile, Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf);

When I comment out the masterTemplate.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions(jointData); line, the resulting document gets saved and I am able to view the resulting .pdf file (although the data from this table is understandably not generated).

When I execute the masterTemplate.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions(jointData); line, the applicaiton runs up to the masterTemplate.Save(finalFile, Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf); line. Then, once this line executes, ASPOSE never returns to the application.

The resulting .pdf file is generated but it has 0 bytes.

It obviously has something to do with the data that is being passed to the MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions but I really have no idea how to debug this.

I have uploaded the xml files that are generated as well as the word .docx template document I am using.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

ASPOSE.zip (43.4 KB)

@jonathn6 Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the problem on my side. I joined the data into one XML file and used the following code for testing:

DataSet dataSetAllData = new DataSet();

DataTable dataTableGeneral = dataSetAllData.Tables["GeneralData"];
DataTable dataTableParcel = dataSetAllData.Tables["ParcelData"];

foreach (DataRow row in dataTableGeneral.Rows)
    string clientAttention = row["ClientAttention"].ToString();
    string clientName = row["ClientName"].ToString();
    string clientAdd1 = row["ClientAdd1"].ToString();
    string clientAdd2 = row["ClientAdd2"].ToString();
    string clientAdd3 = row["ClientAdd3"].ToString();
    string clientCityState = row["ClientCityState"].ToString();
    string clientZipCode = row["ClientZipCode"].ToString();
    string newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientAttention) ? "" : clientAttention;
    newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientName) ? newClientName : newClientName + "\r\n" + clientName;
    newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientAdd1) ? newClientName : newClientName + "\r\n" + clientAdd1;
    newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientAdd2) ? newClientName : newClientName + "\r\n" + clientAdd2;
    newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientAdd3) ? newClientName : newClientName + "\r\n" + clientAdd3;
    newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientCityState) ? newClientName : newClientName + "\r\n" + clientCityState;
    newClientName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientZipCode) ? newClientName : newClientName + " " + clientZipCode;
    row.SetField("ClientName", newClientName);

    string fileNum = row["FileNum"].ToString();
    DataRow[] parcelRows = dataTableParcel.Select("FileNum = '" + fileNum + "'");
    decimal totalTaxSavings = 0.0m;
    decimal dueToHK = 0.0m;

    foreach (DataRow parcelRow in parcelRows)
        // Process each row from dataTableParcel with the same FileNum
        // For example:
        string sTotalTaxSavings = parcelRow["TotalTaxSavings"].ToString();
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTotalTaxSavings))
            decimal dbtotalTaxSavings = decimal.Parse(sTotalTaxSavings) + .005m;
            totalTaxSavings = totalTaxSavings + dbtotalTaxSavings;
    dueToHK = totalTaxSavings * .25m;
    row.SetField("TotalTaxSavings", totalTaxSavings.ToString("C"));
    row.SetField("DueToHK", dueToHK.ToString("C"));

// Create a DataRelation based on the "FileNum" column
DataRelation relation = new DataRelation("GeneralParcelRelation",

// Add the relation to the DataSet

string masterFilePath = @"C:\Temp\in.docx";
Aspose.Words.Document masterTemplate = new Aspose.Words.Document(masterFilePath);
DataTable jointData = dataSetAllData.Tables[0];
jointData.TableName = "JointData";

string finalFile = @"C:\Temp\out.pdf";
masterTemplate.Save(finalFile, Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf);

data.zip (22.7 KB)

The PDF is generated, but it takes about 25 seconds to generate it. Which is expected since there are a2401 pages in the output document: out.pdf (3.3 MB)


Thank you for looking into this. I must have something wrong. The resulting file is not correct. There should be a page for each record in the dataTableGeneral table. For each record in the dataTableGeneral table, I need to generate the grid with the data from the dataTableParcel table. The relationship is set up on FileNum.

For FileNum = 0021X0165, there is 1 record in the dataTableGeneral table and 1 record in the dataTableParcel table. This should generate a single page with a parcel grid of 1 row of data.

For FileNum = 0021X1736, there is 1 record in the dataTableGeneral table and 3 records in the dataTableParcel table. This shld generate a single page with a parcel grid of 3 rows of data.

@jonathn6 In your template there are no nested regions. So the relation set in the data set does not have any effect. There is only one region in the template - JointData. So it is repeated for each item in JointData data table. In your case JointData is the same as GeneralData since you simply rename it. Then you execute simple mail merge with the same table. So the whole template is now repeated for each record in the table.

I just noticed that JointData is the same as GeneralData. I just changed it so that JointData is the same as dynamicTable and ran the merge. I have attached the resulting document. I should be able to figure out how to tighten up the resulting table.
finalOutput_0021X1736.pdf (68.6 KB)

@jonathn6 It looks like row in the template has fixed height, but it is difficult to tell for sure by PDF output. Please try saving the output as DOCX, this will give you better options to analyze why height of the rows is so big.

Yes. I see that. I modified the row height in my .docx to be a fixed height of .2. It looks much better now. Thank you so much for your assistance!

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