Word PDF Converter Drawing Objects Issue


We tried to convert a word document to PDF which contains some drawing objects. In the PDF document the drawing objects are mixed with text content. I am attaching both the documents. We expect that if any drawing object is not supported then it should not affect the whole document.



Check the word document with this attachment.



We reproduced this behavior and confirm it is a defect. Registered as #3185.

Thank you,


How I could check if this issue is fixed OR when it will be fixed.



We will notify you in this thread. Thanks.

New versions appear on the Downloads page, also information is publiched in the Blogs. We also notify everybody who posted their issues in the forums.

As for your document, doc2pdf conversion of drawing objects in Aspose is not perfect and we never claimed it to be. Here is info about conversions https://docs.aspose.com/words/net/supported-document-formats/

Your drawing objects are just a tad too complex for Aspose.Words. Next version will be a bit better (it will support inline images), but things like arrows, group shapes are not supported. This will eventually improve, but there is no definite date.

Thank you for understanding.


We do understand that document was complex and we just pushed the drawing objects but as we are evaluating the product we need to test all scenario. Once we integrate and release then users can put any document without our control and such errors become support issue for us which we cannot fix .

We already have the conversion details but we are testing the behaviour if we use some property which is not supported. We just expect that you ignore that element so that users can still convert the rest of the document.

We appreciate your prompt response and hope such testing/fixing will make Aspose.words a perfact product.
