
附件链接:标题少字.7z - Google Drive

@serendipity.zhq 您的文档中使用的以下字体在我这边不可用:

  • 方正小标宋简体


出现该问题很可能是因为文档中使用的字体在处理文档的环境中不可用。 如果 Aspose.Words 找不到文档中使用的字体,则字体被替换。 由于字体规格的差异,这可能会导致布局差异,并导致页面检测不正确。 您可以实现 IWarningCallback 以在执行字体替换时收到通知。


FontSettings fontSettings = new FontSettings();
fontSettings.setFontsSources(new FontSourceBase[]{
        new SystemFontSource(),
        new FolderFontSource(getFontPath(), true)
LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-26778

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

@serendipity.zhq We have completed analyzing the issue and are going to close it as Not a Bug. Aspose.Words behavior matches MS Word.

It appears the behavior changes on saving to .docx because on saving to docx both MS Word and Aspose.Words change font formatting for the problematic text.
In the source .doc file, MS Word UI reports that the last glyph (‘心’) in the problematic paragraph has character spacing expanded by 6.95pt. The glyph does not fit to line 1, it is wrapped to the next line and goes below the shape bottom, becoming invisible.
On conversion to docx, both via MS Word or Aspose.Words, MS Word UI reports that the same glyph has character spacing condensed by 0.25pt. Character spacing for other glyphs on the problematic paragraph changes, too, but apparently it results in the text fitting into the container text box after conversion to .docx.
As line wrapping in Aspose.Words layout happens to match MS Word layout both for .doc and for .docx we do not see why it should be changed.

We believe we can say that line wrapping in Aspose.Words layout matches MS Word both before and after conversion to .docx. We do not see why we should change it to match WPS Office layout.