Word table line

I’m using JasperReport 3.1.2 to generate pdf reports with tables. this works fine. now, i’m trying to generate a word document (*.doc) with the same JasperReport. for this, i use Aspose.Words. 1.3.0. the problem is, that the tabel lines are not be printed out. aspose generates the tables fine, but no table line. can you please help me!?
thanks for your help

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Thanks for your request. Could you please attach your .jrprint file here for testing? We will check the issue and provide you more information.
Best regards.


Here is the .jrprint file. I’m not sure that this is the right file. I’ve export the JasperReport with the JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile(…) method.

Thanks and best regards



Thank you for additional information. I logged your request into our defect database. The developer, who is responsible for Aspose.Words for JasperReports will answer you shortly.
Best regards.


I am facing a similar issue, but with line seperators. Was there a resolution?


Hi Mishka,
Thanks for your request. Could you please also attach your .jrprint file here for testing? We will check the issue and provide you more information.
Best regards.

Hello Alexey,
I’m working with Dmitry Vorobyev on a related issue and can follow up with him. I was hoping there was a fix that resulted from this post that I could apply.


Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, the issue is still unresolved. We will keep you informed on any developments regarding this issue.
Best regards,