I have a Word document and I find that when I convert it to ePub format, the bookmarks are not displayed correctly.
void Main()
var doc = new Aspose.Words.Document(@"C:\Users\54390\Downloads\f92690fd45a94a7e8ec7bdbdf747a9b4.docx");
doc.Save(@"C:\Users\54390\Downloads\output.epub", Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Epub);
Version info:
Aspose.Words for Net 23.2
The demo file:
f92690fd45a94a7e8ec7bdbdf747a9b4.docx (4.7 MB)
The screenshot:
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It looks like your original document was create by concatenation of several document with ImportFormatMode.KeepDifferentStyles
that leads to a lot of Heading_X_Y styles created in your document. Aspose.Words included only Heading_X styles into the EPUB navigation panel. So as a temporary workaround, you can concatenate your documents with ImportFormatMode.UseDestinationStyles
mode. In this case duplication Heading_X_Y styles will not be created and navigation panel should be build properly.