Word to pdf conversion issue - version words 23.5

Hi Team,

We are converting Word to PDF using Aspose Words 23.5. The output PDF image was corrupted. Please do the needful.

Input: Scheme0001.docx (7.8 MB)

Issued output: Scheme0001.pdf (2.6 KB)


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSJAVA-2858

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

which also occours for .net version

@softboy The problem is not reproducible in .NET version of Aspose.Words i have tested with both .NET Framework and .NET Standard versions of Aspose.Words. Here are output documents produced on my side:
out_net_framework.pdf (338.8 KB)
out_net_standard.pdf (290.0 KB)

“Sorry, this file is private. Only visible to topic owner and staff members.”

@softboy Please create a separate topic for the problem and attach your documents for testing. We will check the issue and provide you more information.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSJAVA-2858) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for Java 23.10 update.

Hi @alexey.noskov, Still, we are facing the same error. Please find the attachment.

Scheme0001.pdf (2.6 KB)

Note: I’m using Aspose words 23.10 version


Please make sure that you have all the necessary optional dependencies installed. You can read about them in more detail in the corresponding section of the documentation.

@alexey.maslov, Thank you for responding. I attempted to upgrade the Maven dependencies from 23.9 to 23.10, but received the following error:


Please add the following to you .pom file to avoid this error:

      <name>Aspose Java API</name>

Hi @alexey.maslov, Added the repository to the POM file, but the issue persists.

I also checked the https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/com/aspose/aspose-words/23.10/aspose-words-23.10.pom in Chrome and got a “404 Not Found” error. Please find the screenshot.



Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce this problem on our side. Please send the .pom file of your project or the entire project in an archive so that we can double-check.

@alexey.maslov Please find the attachment.

Pom: pom.zip (1 KB)


Please remove the redundant Aspose Java API repository (http://repository.aspose.com/repo/). This works on my side. The actual .pom file is attached.
pom.zip (1016 Bytes)