Word to PDF conversion problems in Aspose.Words

I have confirmed that the some text does not convert properly when converting word to pdf. The conversion problem does NOT happen with
Aspose.Words.dll version but when I use Aspose.Words.dll
version the prolem does happen.

Attached is an example of the conversion problem.

Thank you for you inquiry.
I have reproduced these defects on Aspose.Words and Aspose.Pdf It’s a very strange kind of regression. Some tabs have explicitly given background color. I can give a piece of advice. Just don’t use tabs while formatting documents. I removed trailing tabs from the header part (first several lines) and it got fine. Also to organize data in tables it’s much better to use native MS Word tables. You wouldn’t experience such defects with them.
If you would like me to refactor this document you can give me an e-mail to send it back.

You can email to jsimpkins@opans.com

Can you send example of table formatting in Aspose.Words


I’ve investigated the situation and sent the refactored document by e-mail. I changed only the first table and left the original in the document just to compare easily. I also removed trailing tabs as I already wrote.
Also I would like to note that your document has very small page margins. It could bring problems when you will print it. Maybe you have some reason for that but in general I can recommend enlarge them.
Here is technical information about general case. The issue appeared when we had implemented BackgroundColor attribute for text runs in Aspose.pdf XML. It corresponds to text highlighting in MS Word. In your document some elements are highlighted with white color. In MS Word you don’t see this. Also there are some highlighted with light green. As I see our intermediate XML file is correct and the issue should be fixed in Aspose.Pdf. It renders highlighted tabs incorrectly.
Please feel free to ask further questions.


This issue is logged as PDFNET-3813. We will try to fix it in about one week.

Best regards.


The bug has been fixed now. Please try the attachment before our new hotfix.

Best regards.