Word to PDF with table in footer

I try to find a solution my problem and now I’m testing your .net component.
Problem is I have a Word document in my library. A user want get it and have permission only to PDF copy this document. And now I have to convert this word document to PDF it is simple and work perfectly, but before I want add a footer with table like this:
| Date and Time| Some text line 1 |
| | Some text line 2 |
Footer may be added to word before convert to PDF or to PDF after converting. It is scenario possible to do using your component.

Thanks for your request. Using Aspose.Words you can create a header/footer before converting to PDF. Please see the following link to learn more about creating headers and footers in Aspose.Words:
Please let me know in case of any issues. I will be gals to help you.
Best regards,