We are using Aspose Words .Net for converting from Word to Rtf. Once it’s converted to Rtf we convert it to Html using LogicTran. However we noticed when we convert to rtf, the document is not formatted as Microsoft Word expects it to be. Due to that the html conversion messes up; specially the headings. One thing to notice here… If I open the rtf document in Word and saves it does the conversion perfectly. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks for your inquiry. Could you please attach your input document here for testing? I will check the problem on my side and provide you more information.
Thanks for your request. Does the output RTF look improperly in MS Word? Why don’t you use Aspose.Words to convert your documents to HTML?
Please attach your input and output documents here for testing. I will check the issue and provide you more information.
Best regards.
Thanks Alexey for the response. I tried using Aspose to do the HTML conversion but still the problem persists. Please find attached the word, rtf and html documents for testing. The only way the conversion works fine; open in MS Word and save again. I can’t submit the html file as such…
Just for info i am using the following code to do the conversion
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Save(, SaveFormat.Rtf);
doc.Save(, SaveFormat.Html);
Hope this will help.
Thank you for additional information. I tried converting your document to RTF on my side. Output RTF and input DOC files look the same in MS Word. Also I converted DOC file to HTML using Aspose.Words and as I can see the output HTML also looks fine. I use the latest version of Aspose.Words for testing. You can download it from here: https://releases.aspose.com/words/net
Also please attach your output HTML file.
Best regards.
Attached is the output file both html document and a rtf document showing exactly things are wrong in the html conversion process. Any prompt reply is highly appreciated as this is the final check list for us before we order a copy from Aspose. Without this it’s very difficult to get the tick of approval from our business area to approve the software purchase.
Thank you for additional information. I managed to reproduce the problem on my side. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is resolved.
Best regards.
Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, I cannot provide you any reliable estimate regarding this issue at the moment. Please expect a reply before the next hotfix (within 4-5 weeks). We might just fix the problem by then or provide you more information.
Best regards.