Word XML to Word Doc. Signature Line lost functionality

We are trying Word documents in Word 2003 XML, modify and save as Word documents (. Doc).

The only problem we have so far is as follows, some documents contain one or more “Signature Lines” always empty, we modify the document and save it, to open the “Signature Line” has lost its functionality, we need to maintain functionality " Signature Line “, so that customers can then use the” Signature Line. "

Best regards.
- Juan Murcia.

Thanks for your request. Could you please attach your document for testing? I will investigate this problem and provide you more information.
Best regards.

Hi Alexey,
Thanks for your quick response.
Attach examples of documents.

- XML document in Word 2003:
- Original_Document_Word_XML_2003.xml

- Document turned formed with Aspose Word Doc:
- Convert_Document_Word_Aspose.doc

- Document format converted to MS Word Doc Office:
- Convert_Document_Word_MSWord.doc
The “Signature Lines” are in the last page of the documents.
Best regards.

Thank you for additional information. But I can’t see any differences between documents. Could you please explain what the difference is and what doesn’t work?
Best regards.

When you open documents with MS Office Word 2007, “Signature Lines” in documents 1 and 3 working properly, in document 2 does not work, is a normal image.

  1. XML document in Word 2003:
    - Original_Document_Word_XML_2003.xml

  2. Document turned formed with Aspose Word Doc:
    - Convert_Document_Word_Aspose.doc

  3. Document format converted to MS Word Doc Office:
    - Convert_Document_Word_MSWord.doc

Best regards.

Thanks for additional information. I managed to reproduce the issue (before I used MS Word 2003 for testing). I created new issue #5618 in our defect database. I will notify you as soon as it is fixed or we have more information about this.
Best regards.

I would like to know what the current state of this problem.

Best regards.

Thanks for your request. Unfortunately this issue is still unresolved.
Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-1748) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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