Workbook.Combine supports charts

Hi Team,
We are using Aspose.Cells 17.6 version. We are using Workbook.Combine method to merge multiple workbooks into single one. Does that method support chart objects be merged over properly?


Thanks for using Aspose APIs.

Yes, it will combine everything and your charts will not break up unless you will delete chart data source sheet. If chart and its data is in same sheet, you don’t need to worry at all. But if it is in different sheet, then do not remove the chart data source sheet. Instead of deleting it, just hide the chart data source sheet and it will work fine.

However, when you combine workbooks, sometimes there are sheets having same names inside them, combine method then renames some of duplicate sheets, in this case, you might have to write some extra code to deal with it.

Thanks for quick reply with details. We will check on these & reply back if there are any issues.