Worksheet saved in Xml - Problem with Hyperlinks


I open a workbook with aspose, and I try to get the value in a cell where there is an hyperlink.
When the workbook is saved in xls format, there is no problem when it is opened and I get the cell value.
But, when I save the workbook in xml format, and open it with the open(fileName, FileFormatType.SPREADSHEETML) command, the cell.getValue() command does not work properly.

Here is a sample of my test code.

public static void main(String[] args) throws AsposeLicenseException, IOException {

License license = new License();
license.setLicense(new FileInputStream(“ressource/Aspose.Cells.lic”));

Workbook xlsWb = new Workbook();“XLFiles/TestHyperlink.xls”);
Workbook xmlWb = new Workbook();“XLFiles/TestHyperlink.xml”, FileFormatType.SPREADSHEETML);
Cell cell1 = xmlWb.getWorksheets().getSheet(0).getCells().getCell(“C2”);
Cell cell2 = xlsWb.getWorksheets().getSheet(0).getCells().getCell(“C2”);


Thank you,



Thanks for providing us the template file with code.

I found the issue after an initial test using your code with template xml file. Your issue has been logged into our issue tracking system with an issue id: CELLSJAVA-12347. We will figure it out soon.

Thank you.


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Please try the attached latest fix of Aspose.Cells. We have fixed your mentioned issue.

Thank You & Best Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 12347) have been fixed in this update.

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