Writable output PDF

I am evaluating your Aspose.PDF.Net for using in our application. I need to know if you support following functionalities.

- I am doing a form fill on a PDF and saving it to the disk and the generated output seems to be read only. I would like to know how to make this PDF Read Write. Note: The source PDF has textbox and check box which is filled by the application and some on the text box should be filled by the user in the output PDF.

- The source PDF file has lots of button in it for easy navigation inside the PDF. For some reason these buttons are not working in the generated Output PDF file. Some of the other dll's I used for evaluation had the buttons functional in the generated output file.

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Hi Srini,

Can you please share the problematic PDF along with the sample code with us, so we could test the issue at our end? You’ll be updated the earliest possible.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

Please find the attached PDF file.

Below is the Code I am using:
private void AsposePDF()
string dataPath;
// dataPath = @“C:\Development\DorBioPharma5107_DotNet\Branch\SDMS\PDF\FDA-3500_fillable.pdf”;

dataPath = @“C:\FDA 3500A.pdf”;
string output = @“C:\Samples\PDFSample\PDFSample\PDFSample\output.pdf”;

Form form = new Form(dataPath, output);

//Filling a Text Field (Name)

foreach (string str in form.FieldsNames)
Response.Write(“Field Name :” + str + " ----> " + form.GetField(str) + "
form.FillField(“Patient_Identifier[0]”, “783545”);
form.FillField(“Weight_kgs”, “56”);
form.FillField(“Death_Date[0]”, “03/11/2005”);
// form.FillField(“GENDER”, true);


Hi Srini,

Thank you very much for sharing the PDF file and code snippet. We’ll test the issue at our end and update you accordingly.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Srini,

I have reproduced this problem at my end and logged it as PDFKITNET-14932 in our issue tracking system. Our team will look into this issue and you’ll be updated via this forum thread once the issue is resolved.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 14932) have been fixed in this update.

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