Write Presentation

Hi Mudasir,

With the latest jar (for provided by you I am getting the error
|java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.aspose.slides.Presentation.getSlideSize()Ljava/awt/Point;
Please check with the same and give me a work around as early as possible.

(Zoho Corp).

Hi Mani,

I have observed this issue. It seems some obfuscated issue. I have requested our development team to rectify the issue and it has been logged in our issue tracking system with ID 30431. I will share the further information with you once further updates are received from our development team.

We are greatly sorry for your inconvenience,

Hi Mudassir,

Any updates for the above issue ? If you give us a timeline, it would be helpful to plan accordingly.

(Zoho Corp).

Hi Mani,

I am sorry for your inconvenience. Please use the latest available hotfix version of Aspose.Slides for Java which is available for download from here. The changes in API that I have mentioned in the former post have been reverted back.

Thanks and Regards,

Hi Mudassir,

The numeric bullet type issue is resolved with the latest patch. Thanks for the patch. I face a new issue -
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.aspose.slides.FillFormat.getGradientFillAngle().
Can you please confirm, if the above api has been removed ? If yes, can you please suggest an alternative ?
In case of any changes in the API names, please update the online javadocs, so that we can refer there instead of disturbing you again.

(Zoho Corp).

Hi Mani,

I am sorry for your inconvenience. Please use the following code snippet to get the gradient fill angle.

PresentationEx pres=new PresentationEx("D:\\Aspose Data\\demo2.pptx");
AutoShapeEx shp= (AutoShapeEx) (pres.getSlides().get(0).getShapes()).get(0);
TextFrameEx tf=shp.getTextFrame();
float Angle=shp.getFillFormat().getGradientFormat().getLinearGradientAngle();

Many Thanks,

Hi Mudassir,

Sorry, I didnot mention that we are using PPT and not PPTX. The FillFormat doesnot have getGradientFormat() method. Kindly advice on how to proceed.

(Zoho Corp).

Hi Mani,

Please use the following code snippet for getting the gradient angle for PPT shape. I have observed an inconsistency in getting the gradient angle. An issue wit ID 30869 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. I have tried to share work around but it works for some of values.

Presentation pro=new Presentation("K:\\Apple\\Abc.ppt");

com.aspose.slides.Shape sss=pro.getSlides ().get (0).getShapes ().get (0);

float ang=sss.getFillFormat().getGradientFillAngle();
float angS;

if(ang>=0 && ang<=90)

angS=(194 - ang)%360;

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

Hi Mudassir,

Can you please acknowledge whether the api FillFormat.getGradientFillAngle() is present in Aspose Slides for Java version for PPT files ? My issue is not with the value returned, but the api itself not present.

Since we are facing one issue or the other after the Numeric Bullets issue, we could not take the latest patch. Can you please ensure that the forthcoming patch does not break existing features ?

(Zoho Corp).

Hi Mani,

The code snippet that I have shared in my last post contains the usage of method getGradientFillAngle(). I have used aspose.slides- for my investigation. I suggest that you should test the code snippet shared by my separately to verify availability of getGradientFillAngle() method.

Thanks and Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESJAVA-30869) have been fixed in this update.

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