Write to tag followed by a read not working?

Writing a tag, saving the presentation, and then reading the tag is returning null instead of the written value. The following code should reproduce the issue. Any idea as to why this doesnt work for me?

String fileName = “r:/test.ppt”;
String tagName = “ThisIsATagName”;
Presentation presentation = new Presentation(new FileInputStream(fileName));
presentation.getTags().put(tagName, “123”);
presentation.save(fileName, SaveFormat.PPT);
Presentation presentation = new Presentation(new FileInputStream(fileName));
String value = presentation.getTags().get(tagName);
// value should be “123” here but I’m seeing it returned as null

Dear Richard,

I have worked on the issue specified by you. I have also been able to get the null value when I tried to access the tags with their name. We will investigate the issue and in the mean while, you may please use the following code snippet to serve the purpose.

Presentation presentation = new Presentation(new FileInputStream(fileName));
int iCount=presentation.getTags().size();
String sValue="";
for(int index=0;index<iCount;index++)
sValue = presentation.getTags().getTagName(index);


We are sorry for your inconvenience,