my team members experience a problem we believe is a bug - we only use Aspose.Words to update a word document contents(fields), which generated through apache POI with wrong page referrence number on contents(fields), and we end up with wrong page number in the table of contents (TOC) that is solved only by manually update the TOC.
We use the library in Java core container(aspose-words-19.5-jdk17.jar), and this bug also reproduce on our windows development PCs.
I have implemented IWarningCallback interface, no fonts missing notification.
Document doc = new Document( "D:\\33test432020年年度报告.docx");
doc.updateFields(); "D:\\33test432020年年度报告.docx");
33test432020年年度报告.docx (213.4 KB)
图片.png (68.6 KB)
In fact their postion on 68.
I attached a docx file with a small program that reproduces the bug.
In order to run it you should add the license file, run it in CLI and check the generated document.
The zip contains the current word document with wrong page numbers.
Looking forward for support,