Wrong Source Format Is Returned while Loading Presentation Files in Java


I need to read the source format of an instantiated presentation, but unfortunately, Presentation.getSourceFormat() returns either SourceFormat.Ppt or SourceFormat.Pptx. Test files I have are ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx, ppsm, pptm, pot, potm, ppsm… Is there a way to get the correct source format of an instantiated presentation?

Test code:

IPresentation presentation = new Presentation("04-02_Technik.potm");

System.out.println("04-02_Technik.potm: " + presentation.getSourceFormat());

presentation = new Presentation("16-18-budget-presentation.ppsx");

System.out.println("16-18-budget-presentation.ppsx: " + presentation.getSourceFormat());

presentation = new Presentation("20-PowerPoint-Template.pot");

System.out.println("20-PowerPoint-Template.pot: " + presentation.getSourceFormat());

presentation = new Presentation("315_1_EIA_PPT_HU.potx");

System.out.println("315_1_EIA_PPT_HU.potx: " + presentation.getSourceFormat());

presentation = new Presentation("316CD_BuildingATeam.pps");

System.out.println("316CD_BuildingATeam.pps: " + presentation.getSourceFormat());

presentation = new Presentation("a.pptm");

System.out.println("a.pptm: " + presentation.getSourceFormat());

presentation = new Presentation("Bright be seen.ppsm");

System.out.println("Bright be seen.ppsm: " + presentation.getSourceFormat());

presentation = new Presentation("Presentation1.ppt");

System.out.println("Presentation1.ppt: " + presentation.getSourceFormat());

presentation = new Presentation("Presentation1.pptx");

System.out.println("Presentation1.pptx: " + presentation.getSourceFormat());

Test files: Zippyshare.com - [now defunct] Free File Hosting



I have observed your requirements and regret to inform that these formats are not supported yet. A ticket with ID SLIDESJAVA-34684 has been created as in our issue tracking system as a new feature request. Our development team will look into the possibility of implementation of the requested feature. This thread has been associated with this new feature request, so that you can be automatically notified as soon as this issue is resolved.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESJAVA-34684) have been fixed in this update.