Wrongly exported hungarian special characters from DWG to PDF

we will check this and respond. Please, if this code doesn’t work on some other file, we want to test it on our side too, probably, the reason is in file.

and could you please run the test project on your side and check what file is produced? test.zip (26.1 KB)

Sorry for the late response. I tested your code, but a result is the same. Did you try on linux or windows? The font you use in the code where is it? My SansSerif.ttf is in the C:\Windows\Fonts folder.
The output of the intellij after ran the code:
image.png (17.3 KB)
You can see twice the Arial font and in the result pdf the font is this Arial, not the OpenSans_Bold.


Yes, I tried in Windows, I saw your reply about it above. Unfortunately, there is no other common way to set up fonts folder. I have this font directly in Windows/Fonts SansSerif.png (34.5 KB), and the name of the file with font is “sanss___.ttf”.

It looks like you need to put in String newFont = “SansSerif” not the TTF file name, but the name of the font (otherwise it seems that Arial is used). So I also run our test example on the entire Fonts folder on my PC and get more fonts, which are exported correctly (and have the same font names as their TTF files): AcadEref.ttf, Euclid.ttf, fences.ttf, GENISO.ttf, isocteur.ttf, isocpeur.ttf, romantic.ttf.

Hold on, we are working with the fix for moving glyph parts.


I tried many times with mayn fonts, but It did not work on windows.

I see the issue status is “code review”. Is it mean the fix will be relased in the near feature?

Hello, yes, this task will be included into the upcoming release, which is expected till the end of the week.

Hello. Please, find the latest release here.

Thank you for the update, but it get worse than before.
Now the special hungarian characters, like á,é, í are replaced randomly. I attached an example.
hibasEkezet.zip (42.5 KB)

unfortunately, I can confirm this, we are sorry for the mistake. We will try to find quick solution in couple of next days and come back.

Is there any news?

Hello, could you please test this fix?