XFA Form | Dynamic rows in a grid are not getting fetched

I am trying to fill a XFA form using aspose library. I could fill up all the fields except the dynamic rows in the grids. The Form.XFA.FieldNames object only return first row even if there are more rows in the grid. Refer the MillitaryService section in the attached XFA form.IMM5257B_1.pdf (532.6 KB)


Can you share the code snippet you are using?

@carlos.molina, I am using below code.

         // Load XFA form
        Document doc = new Document(@"E:\PDF\Testing.pdf");

        // Get names of XFA form fields
        string[] names = doc.Form.XFA.FieldNames;

        // Set field values
        doc.Form.XFA[names[34]] = "Field 0";
        doc.Form.XFA[names[35]] = "Field 1";
        //filling all the fields like so
        // Save the updated document


I have been testing this and I think it is a bug. I will create a ticket for the dev team.

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