I write some date into Aspose.Cells. This works fine. It is basically a template in which there is also other functionality including XML mapping. This was saved in this template. However when I take this Excel with XML mapping and use it as a template, fill-in some cells on a sheet and then send it to the browser (response), it loses the XML mapping (despite there is checked Save definition in the worksheet). Actually the map can be displayed, but the fields which were mapped (dragged) into cells are lost (the cells lost their blue border and no more have connection to the XML filed in the schema). See Summary sheet in the attached Excel file.
Sorry.....your previous attached zipped file contains only one file i.e., BRKI_Evaluation.xls and I think it's your output file. Your template excel file should be BRK_Evaluation.xls which you did not send yet.
Kindly post us here your template file so that we may resolve your issue soon.
the template is actually the BRKI_Evaluation.xls file I sent you. I call it "template" because I use it in my application, open it with Aspose.Cells, add some infomation for the particular user and send it in the response to the user. See the "Summary" sheet. There are some cells mapped to the XML schema (you can view the schema by menu Data, XML, XML source). Some fields form the XML Source were dragged into cells, these cells are marked by a blue frame. But after using this Excel file in Aspose.Cells (I need to write some cells on other sheets), the mapped cells are lost (the relation between the XML schema and the cell. It is no more marked by a blue border.
We tested your template file a bit and yes, xml mapping is lost in the output file. We look into it to figure out the problem and get back to you soon.