XML Namespace for XMP MetaData

What is the correct syntax to set a specific XML
namespace for additional XMP data to be stored? The XmpSchema.XmlNameSpace property allows for “set” with the default being xmlns:pdf=“http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/1.3/”. How would this be changed to allow setting xmlns:xmp=“http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/” so that it shows in the “xmp core”


The reason I ask is if I set it (using vb.net) like this:

Dim xmp As New Aspose.Pdf.Kit.XmpSchema()
xmp.XmlNameSpace = “xmlns:xmp=http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/”
xmp.AddUserProperty(“FieldName”, “DataHere”)

and then look inside the PDF - I see the data still displaying in the xmlns:pdf=“http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/1.3/” section.

Thanks again

Hi Nicotobi,

I have tested this issue at my end and noticed the inconsistency you mentioned. I have forwarded a request to our development team for further investigation. You'll be updated as I receive some response.

We really appreciate your patience.


Hi Nicotobi,

After further analysis we have found that there is some problem in the Aspose.Pdf.Kit. Our team is working on this issue and it can take some time. We'll update you as we resolve the issue.

We're sorry for the inconvenience.


Thanks for the reply. It is very important for this issue and for the issue that is being tracked as PDFKITNET-7884 to be resolved in determining if we will purchase this product.


I ran into the problem discussed by this post.

From my tests, I know, that the problem has not been solved by release

Is there any new information on this?


oh, sorry.

I mixed up dates (joining date and date of post). So the discussion is quite hot. I can wait for your decision.
