XPS to PDF conversion - Keep text glyphs as text in PDF

I am using the following code to convert XPS to PDF. The resulting PDF has text glyphs as objects instead of text. Is there any way to preserve them as text - allowing PDF text edits if full font is embedded? It seems that there is a text block in the pdf on top of the visible object, but the text, although it seems to be editable, is not visible.

                Using pdfStream = System.IO.File.Open(OutFile, System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write)
                    Dim document As New Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsDocument(XpsFiles(0), New Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsLoadOptions())
                    Dim options As New Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfSaveOptions() With {.JpegQualityLevel = 100, .ImageCompression = Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfImageCompression.Jpeg, .TextCompression = Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfTextCompression.Flate}
                    Dim device As New Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfDevice(pdfStream)
                    document.Save(device, options)
                End Using


Would you kindly share your sample XPS for our reference so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly?

Original XPS
Test1.zip (47.9 KB)
Aspose PDF
Test1.pdf (53.6 KB)
CutePDF Printer
Test1b.pdf (5.5 KB)
TorahKFH.zip (45.9 KB)



We checked both output PDFs and could not notice any difference between them. The characters in both PDFs are present as text that can be selected. Can you please explain a bit more and share the steps to notice the exact issue that you are facing?

I am attaching 2 pictures. The first is the results with Aspose.
AsposePDFTest.png (28.6 KB)
There are 4 sections in the picture.
The first seems to show that it is text, and looks like I have text selected
The second shows that I moved away the text box and the displayed text stayed in place.
The third shows that when I select the displayed text, it is actually an IMAGE.
The last shows that I can enlarge and rotate it like an image, not text.

The second picture is of CutePDF output.
CutePDFTest.png (29.1 KB)
There are 4 sections in the picture.
The first shows that the displayed text appears to be a text box.
The second shows that I was able to type a new character and select it.
The third shows that I could delete characters.
The last shows that if I moved it, the displayed text moved, and is still text, not an image.
This is the correct result and the desired result.

All screenshots are of Adobe Acrobat online editor.


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