XSL-FO prints printable area selected in sheet


am using XSL-FO & Aspose.Pdf to convert Excel files to PDF. Print area is specified in excel worksheet and I want to print only that.
Right now it gives full output. It takes text outside print layout also.

Can you tell which property to set so that it only prints printable area selected in sheet.



Well, Aspose.Cells for .NET can alone convert Excel files to PDF documents. You can also specify printable area or other PageSetup options before converting to PDF document. See the useful documents for your reference:

Setting Printing (PageSetup) options:

Converting to PDF file (directly):

And, if you want to use Aspose.Pdf product to convert the intermediate xml file to PDF, you should post a query to Aspose.Pdf forum, they will help you soon.

Thank you.