Zoom in zoom out xml document

I am converting an xml document to pdf using the below syntax.
var document = new com.aspose.pdf.Document(“input.xml”, new com.aspose.pdf.HtmlLoadOptions());
document.save(“output.pdf”, new PdfSaveOptions());

The conversion works fine. However I would like to zoom in or zoom out the document based on whether the document is readable or not.

I tried using PdfPageEditor().zoom, although it zoom in and zoom out did work, but the contents sometimes goes out of the margin of the converted pdf document.

Is there a way to zoom the contents of xml document and wrap the contents to fit in the page?


Would you kindly share your sample input file and complete code snippet for our reference which you are using to apply zoom in/out? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

import com.aspose.pdf.*;

var document = new Document(“sample.xsl”, new HtmlLoadOptions())
var pdfPageEditor = new PdfPageEditor(document)
pdfPageEditor.setZoom(1.5); // 150%
pdfPageEditor.save(“output.pdf”)sample.zip (325 Bytes)


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