ZUGFeRD sample code

Hi all,
As AsposePDF now supports the ZUGFeRD PdfFormat selector, is there sample code available on building one PDF up (the official way) to be used as ZUGFeRD document?
It had been available with the 20.11 release notes, but I cannot find it any more.
Thanks, regards
Jörg Fischer


Please check the below code snippet to create ZUGFeRD PDF Format using Aspose.PDF:

Document doc = new Document();
string fileName = "zugferd-invoice.xml";
FileSpecification fs = new FileSpecification(fileName);
fs.Description = "Zugferd";
doc.Convert(new MemoryStream(), PdfFormat.ZUGFeRD, ConvertErrorAction.Delete);

The example for ZUGFeRD sample code exists in NET version

Unfortunateley this example is missing in Java version of the documents.
Proposal: It should be complemented here: Advanced operations|Aspose.PDF for Java

Kind regards


We will surely add the example for Java version too. A task PDFNET-56224 has been logged in our issue management system for the purpose. Thanks for pointing it out.